Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Genius Week 5: TED and I

So I presented on Monday morning--first thing. Needless to say, there were a few bumps here and there (probably because I memorized my script over the weekend...I need at least one week to fully memorize a script), and it definitely was not my best. But, overall, the presentation was something I'm very proud of. 

The project was a great experience for me. I gained a deeper understanding and passion for cooking, and I know I'll continue learning how to cook in the summer. Modernist Cuisine has most definitely opened my eyes to something new--I never knew new technologies were being created for the purpose of cooking and I'm definitely looking forward to using my sous vide cooker and pressure cooker in the future.

Now back to the presentation itself. I thought my slides were pretty good, since they followed along with what I was saying. I did notice that a lot of the presenters had more pictures than text (or had all pictures and no text whatsoever). In my opinion, I had a good balance of images and words. On the other hand, my command of my script was "ehhh." As I mentioned earlier, there were a few bumps here and there, but worst of all, I was too stiff and too serious. Afterwards, I talked with a few classmates about the presentations and one said: "You were fine although there were a few times when you seemed like you were trying to remember your script" and another said: "No one smiled; everyone was so serious."

In retrospect, I could have done better. Now that it's all in the past, there were a few things that I learned. First, no more procrastination on a presentation. I hate to admit it, but I did leave the presentation and the script for the last 1.5 weeks of the project. If I had been able to finish earlier, I would have had time to practice and prepare, and the presentation would have gone more smoothly. Second, a high school student needs at least seven hours of sleep if he/she is going to give a presentation first thing in the morning the very next day. I'm pretty sure I only slept for six hours on the night before, which made me feel extremely tired the next morning. Third, bring your CONFIDENCE! Not that I wasn't confident during my presentation, but I certainlybdidnt bring enough to the table now that I think about it. This was the cause if my "stiffness" and my "mistakes" (I actually did screw up one sentence of my script...however, I did manage to make a quick "recovery").

So now that the project has come to a close, I just wanted to thank everyone--Mr. M & P, my fellow bloggers, and everyone else who stopped by my blog. It's been a wild ride--first, the LA Reader's Workshop project and next, the genius project...I wonder what my next project will be?

- Allison
- Jess
- Christy

Lord of the Blogs: The Return of the Queen

Dear readers,
However few or scattered you may be...I'm back! After a yearlong hiatus, during which I focused on school work and numerous extracurriculars, I have realized that I need a different medium--other than my family and friends--to express myself creatively and to share my obsession and passion for books, movies, music, and TV. Reflecting back on my time spent on "Cheaper By the Book," I have also realized that writing a blog is incredibly cathartic, something that I need especially since the months ahead will be full of applications and essays and stress!

Anyways, enjoy my next posts and feel free to make comments. All feedback is welcome.

~ Alycia