Wednesday, March 11, 2015

PSA: The Breakfast Club

Don't you forget to eat
Something that I can never understand is why and how teenagers don't eat breakfast in the morning. They might throw out excuses like "I don't have time" or "I need to lose weight" (if you typically have C lunch, you probably can skip this post because you eat a hefty breakfast...right?). In reality, breakfast is extremely important to one's health.
"How many people don't eat breakfast in the morning? You've got detention."

Losing Weight
Skipping breakfast, or meals in general, actually makes weight loss much more difficult since it tends to lead to eating more food during lunch and dinner, and eating unhealthy snacks in between meals. Studies have shown that one can accumulate more body fat when eating fewer and larger meals than when eating smaller and more frequent meals.

Why Teenagers Should Eat Breakfast
Our bodies and brains are still developing, and require nutrition and energy to grow. Eating a good breakfast in the morning will most definitely make you more efficient as it gives you energy to do whatever you need to do. Studies show that teenagers who don't eat breakfast are more "tardy and absent" from school than those who eat breakfast daily. Test first thing in the morning? A wholesome breakfast should be one of your main priorities for conquering that exam (other than studying, of course).

What Constitutes a "Good" Breakfast?
"Good carbs and fiber with some protein" (quoted from the "that one" article listed below). Here's a list:
  • Oatmeal
  • Greek yogurt
  • Grapefruit (or any kind of citrus fruit)
  • Bananas (how about dried bananas on your oatmeal?)
  • Watermelon
  • Blueberries
  • Strawberries
  • Eggs
  • Almond butter
  • Coffee (but avoid too much cream and sugar!
The list goes on and on.

What Does Alycia Eat Every Morning?
I eat a boiled egg with soy sauce and turmeric powder, one-two pieces of my dad's homemade bread with olive oil (that is filled with >10 spices from our spice cabinet), and a bowl of oatmeal with chia seeds, hemp seeds, and assorted nuts (from Costco). Sometimes I drink one-two cups of a homemade fruit smoothie.

To learn more, check out this article and that article (which are my sources for the above information). If you want to look at tumblr gifs from the movie "The Breakfast Club" (let's be real--you would much rather check out these gifs than an article), click this link. And if you're feeling like you wanna go back to the past, take a look at this list of '80s movies that you can binge-watch on a snowy day.

So guys--don't mess with the bull, or you'll get the horns. The same thing goes with your health and well-being. So, join the breakfast club by eating a healthy breakfast every morning.

If you wanna feel like ^^ every morning, start eating a healthy breakfast
Sincerely yours,

P.S. ^^^^^^^^^^^Awkward b/c 10th graders just had an assembly about eating disorders....oh well.

Top gif (source)
Bottom gif (source)


  1. Wow, I never realized that breakfast was so important. I mean I have always tried to eat breakfast but I could never wake up early enough to make a nutritious one. I've just been eating bowls of sugar filled cereal, but this post makes me want to do better for myself. I really enjoyed this one. Thanks for sharing such useful information!

  2. I think it is interesting that you posted this in your blog. I agree that health is a struggle some people have, and I think that this is a good way to get a message out> Also, it fits with your topic well, so I think this is a nice addition.

  3. I think it is interesting that you posted this in your blog. I agree that health is a struggle some people have, and I think that this is a good way to get a message out> Also, it fits with your topic well, so I think this is a nice addition.
